Suspension and Dismissal Skip to main content

Suspension and Dismissal

What is Suspension or Dismissal?

Suspension and Dismissal are academic standings that require students to take time away from the university. These standings are not intended as punishments; rather, their purpose is to provide students with some time away from BYU to overcome obstacles that might be preventing them from doing well academically. Suspension requires students to take one year (12 months) away from BYU, while Dismissal, which occurs when a student is suspended a second time, requires students to take three years (36 months) away from BYU.

For more information on how and when students' academic standings are changed see Academic Standings.

What if I am registered for classes when I am suspended/dismissed?

Students on Suspension or Dismissal are expected to drop their classes or their classes will be dropped by the university (with a risk of receiving W grades on their transcript).

Can I take classes while away from BYU?

Students on Suspension are not required (and often not encouraged) to take courses while they are away from BYU. Additionally, students on Suspension and Dismissal may not enroll in BYU day, evening, or Salt Lake Center classes during their required time away. However, they can take BYU Independent Study courses. Students may also take courses from another college or university during their time away if they choose. Because these courses will be evaluated when students reapply to BYU, it is important for them to do well. For questions about reapplying with additional credits, contact the Admissions Office.

What if I am an international student?

International students on Suspension or Dismissal are in jeopardy of losing their visa status and ability to stay in the country. For questions about international concerns, contact International Student Services.

How do I return to BYU after a Suspension/Dismissal?

Many students on Suspension or Dismissal return to BYU after taking time away. Please go to Returning from Suspension to learn more.

Can I petition to stay at BYU?

While a petitions process exists, it is only applicable in rare circumstances. Go to Petitions for more detailed information.