Returning From Suspension
What do I have to do to return to BYU? Do I need to reapply?
Students on Suspension or Dismissal must reapply to BYU by the posted deadlines. For students wanting to return from Dismissal, you will need to submit a petition to the Academic Standards Committee before you can reapply. Please see Petitioning Suspension & Dismissal for more details about this process.
Students wishing to reapply must do so through the Admissions Office
Before you can submit the application, students are required to submit a Graduation Plan signed by their academic advisor to the Admissions Office. You must submit the signed Graduation Plan to the Admissions Office by submitting a Support Case. Please follow the instructions on the application page.
For example, suppose you were academically suspended at the end of the fall semester 2022. This means that you would be eligible to return for the winter semester 2024, one year after your suspension. In order to apply you MUST have all your materials into the Admissions Office by their published deadlines. Please note that when students reapply they must complete and send to the Admissions Office an Ecclesiastical Endorsement signed by both the student's Bishop and the student's Stake President (if the student is a member of the Church).
After I have reapplied and been accepted to the University, what is my next step?
You should have received a YMessage from the Academic Support Office with the following information.
Before you can register, you will need to complete each step of the process listed below. This process is to ensure you have a plan of success and are connected to any resources you may need to succeed.
- Complete an Academic Improvement Plan (AIP)
- Discuss your AIP with your College Advisement Center advisor or faculty and get your AIP approved
- Meet with an advisor in the Academic Support Office. During this appointment, they will:
- Review your AIP and graduation plan.
- The returning from suspension process will be finalized, prompting the lift of your hold within one business day.
If you are currently serving a mission, you may be able to complete a Missionary Registration Request. This is done with the understanding that once you are in the area, you will go through the steps listed above.
When I return after Academic Suspension, what will be my academic standing?
Students who return to BYU after taking time away due to Suspension or Dismissal will have a Continued Academic Probation standing. Continued Academic Probation functions the same as Probation but shows that the student has been on Suspension or Dismissal. For more details about how Continued Academic Probation works, please go to Academic Standing. This is to make sure that these students can be given as much help as possible. You will continue on Continued Academic Probation until you have accumulated at least 6 credit hours or more at a 2.0 or above and your cumulative BYU GPA is a 2.0 or above. If you earn less than a 2.0 in at least 6.0 credits, you will be required to take time away. For those that petitioned their time away, this will result in a 1-year (12-month) Suspension. For those who have previously been Suspension, this will result in a 3-year (36-month) Dismissal.
How do I return from Dismissal?
Returning from Dismissal has additional requirements (including taking additional credits before returning). Please schedule an appointment
Are there any options other than taking time away? Can I return early?
Because the university has determined Suspension students benefit from taking time away, only under extraordinary circumstances are students granted an exception. In very rare instances, a student may meet with an advisor from the Academic Support Office and petition to take time away due to Suspension or Dismissal. Please go to Petitioning Suspension & Dismissal for more details about this process.